Scott Morrison’s Deaths?

While the government going forward will try and lead you to believe the coronavirus deaths were inevitable I want all Australians to know they were not.

We will keep you updated on the number of deaths which occur in Australia as a result of Scott Morrison and the Federal and State Governments actions. 

While this may seem futile it has extremely important connotations in reviewing democratic frameworks and how we choose leaders going forward.

Healthcare Staff Will Die

Psychologically, doing this, will also make it easier for me to put my own life at risk while caring for coronavirus patients – many healthcare staff will die through repeated exposure, inadequate protective equipment and inadequate training in healthcare environments which become overwhelmed.

We will face the trauma of turning people away from hospitals, worse – ask them to accept an honourable death and not come.

The post traumatic stress will be too much for some – please help where you can.

I will only fight a war, which could have been avoided, if it’s done in the name of delivering democratic processes which ensure the health and welfare of people is first and foremost.

And yes Scott Morrison and his entourage will have to go.

The Curve Wasn’t Flattened

Instead of doing the right thing to ‘Flatten The Curve’ through aggressive (and yes unattractive) measures as early as possible every measure the government introduced was too little and too late.

Countries like China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore had demonstrated how coronavirus could be restrained. They had shown the way.

We had the opportunity to follow their lead.

However instead, through a myopic focus on the economy by Scott Morrison and the clones who surround him, we continued on the same trajectory as Italy, Iran, Spain, France, UK and the US.


Consider Shanghai with a population of 25 Million (a little shy of Australia’s 27million) who were a month or so ahead on the curve. Yet through strict isolation measures introduced early on they were able to limit spread of coronavirus to a level which their healthcare facilities could cope with. They have 2 recorded deaths, approximately 350 reported cases of whom 330 have already recovered.

New Zealand

Also consider New Zealand who isolated their country after recording just 6 diagnosed cases. Watch how they respond closely. One imagines their open minded, health and welfare focussed approach will lead them to introduce additional stringent measures at the appropriate time to record very few deaths. They may get away without needing to close schools and businesses – their economy will likely do extremely well.

Contrast this with what happens in Australia going forward.

The percentage of deaths Australia records above that of New Zealand will be a direct reflection of the ineptitude of the Morrison government in managing the situation.

Have no doubt Scott Morrison and his team had all the information in front of them and were repeatedly asked, petitioned, instructed, begged by the population to listen and act differently. Yet they failed.

  • Failed to close the borders before there was significant community spread
  • Failed to close schools, close non-essential businesses and promote self isolation when community spread was less than 1%. In fact went even further than this and bullied schools to stay open through threatening to remove their government funding if they closed.
  • Failed to send clear, consistent and applicable instructions to the population – requesting a 1.5m inter-personal distance while still allowing schools and non-essential business and public transport to continue. Ridiculous – it demonstrate self a government which doesn’t understand how to manage people.
  • Failed to carry out instructions themselves that they had sent out – Scott Morrison and several other ministers refused to self isolate or get tested after extensive contact with Peter Dutton.
  • Failed to provide a transparent guideline on how they would proceed – instead lending on political rhetoric and claims that what they were proposing was based upon ‘best expert advice’.

Perhaps the experts were too scared to tell Scott Morrison anything other than what he and his mates wanted to hear fearing for their own careers. The Chief Medical Officer is compromised – he owes his position as Secreatry fo the the Health Department.

This is one of the major issues with top down structures of governance anywhere across the world – they lead to siloed thinking and clone behaviour. For more on this please read Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed.

Decent leadership in Australia is sorely lacking – Scott Morrison has failed and failed again.

Some countries occasionally luck out – New Zealand – across the ditch – with Jacinda Ardern will fare very well. Yet going forward we need democratic frameworks which nurture people like Jacinda into leadership roles consistently – we need leaders put in charge of people who know how to manage people to deliver what is best for the health and welfare of everyone.

But now people will die in droves unnecessarily.

These are Scott Morrison’s deaths.

Some will be my colleagues who work on the front line and are still to receive the adequate personal protective equipment stipulated by the Chinese.

I will never forget and will work tirelessly to ensure Australians don’t forget either.

The are Scott Morrison’s unnecessary deaths.

If you lose a loved one perhaps a class action may be your only means of compensation – how else can we hold these people accountable for their dire failings.

Please never forget.

Also realise that in ridding this government the frameworks of governance still allow similar to take their place.

We need to change.

Deaths attributed to Scott Morrison will be calculated based on deaths after the first 5 (when the gravity of the situation in Australia was already very apparent). Subtracted from this will be the number of deaths which occur in New Zealand x 5 to indicate a population which is 5 times less in New Zealand.

(While this measurement is very crude we welcome feedback and input to change it)

 An update on cases & deaths by country worldwide can be seen on this link.


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