Ban Indistinct Chlorhexidine

Indistinct chlorhexidine (circled) is easily mistaken for colourless solutions. There’s no need for these indistinct solutions and safer distinct versions and those enclosed in swab sticks are already in use in many hospitals without problem and at no extra cost.

Watch ‘Gina’s Story’ to see how arterial injection resulted in leg amputation at the waist.

Read ‘Mary McLinton’s Story’ – she had chlorhexidine injected into the blood supply to her brain. She died two weeks later in agony, at one point begging a nurse to kill her.

No one took action to change the process before this tragedy occurred.”

We’re trying but need your help. Please sign the petition here.

ANZCA and ACSQHC recently sent out a joint statement:

‘If chlorhexidine liquid is used, it is dark-tinted to provide a visual cue that the liquid is non- injectable’ (see here).

Frequently Asked Questions:

How many cases have occurred?

Why haven’t the numerous chlorhexidine injection cases been identified before?

What are the opinions of front line staff?

Why don’t we just stop ordering pourable indistinct chlorhexidine into hospitals?

Have the manufacturers been made aware of the issue?

Why doesn’t everyone label gallipots?

Why not just use Iodine?

What about using chlorhexidine applicators?

Which chlorhexidine preparation should we use?

Why can’t staff ‘just be more careful’?

What were the recommendations in response to the St George Hospital epidural tragedy?

Why haven’t regulating authorites already banned it?

Unfortunately the only thing stopping us banning indistinct pourable chlorhexidine is us and the deficient health care safety systems we’ve created.

Let’s change this – please sign the petition to ban indistinct pourable chlorhexidine.

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